What is an Anglican?

Anglicanism originally began with the Church of England when it split from the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th century.  This new church simplified existing rituals while also preserving certain traditions.

There is no single way to articulate the belief of Anglicans.  The best representation can be found in our liturgies such as the Book of Alternative Services.  The most recent addition to our beliefs can be found  in the 5 Marks of Mission (see right).

Anglican services follow a pattern.  First, we begin with the gathering of the community (Greeting & Collect of the Day). Then we listen to and reflect on the Scriptures for that Sunday (First Reading, Psalm, Second Reading, and Gospel followed by the Homily). We then bring the needs of the world and the community to God in the form of prayer (Prayers of the People), after which we celebrate the holy meal of bread and wine (Holy Eucharist).  The service is also punctuated with singing in the forms of hymns - Processional, Gradual, Offertory, and Recessional.

What are our values?

As a partner in the worldwide Anglican Communion and in the universal Church, we proclaim and celebrate the gospel of Jesus Christ in worship and action.

We value our heritage of biblical faith, reason, liturgy, tradition, bishops and synods, and the rich variety of our life in community.

We acknowledge that God is calling us to greater diversity of membership, wider participation in ministry and leadership, better stewardship in God’s creation and a stronger resolve in challenging attitudes and structures that cause injustice.

Guided by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to respond to this call in love and service and so more fully live the life of Christ.

What are the 5 Marks of Mission?

To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom

To teach, baptize and nurture new believers

To respond to human need by loving service

To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation 

To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth